Words that work
How do you get your message across in a time when customers are bombarded with information from TV, Radio,websites, blogs, Wikis, e-mails, and blocking ads with TiVo ? Terry Gross has an engaging interview with Frank Lutz on Words that Work and there's an excerpt from the book also available. These are words that touch many organizational, marketing and political hot buttons. Expect to see more of these in my forthcoming blogs :-) 1. Imagine 2. Hassle-free 3. Lifestyle 4. Accountability 5. “Results” and the “Can-Do Spirit” 6. “Innovation” 7. “Renew, Revitalize, Rejuvenate, Restore, Rekindle, Reinvent” 9. “The Right to...” 10. “Patient-Centered” 11. “Investment” 12. “Casual Elegance” 13. “Independent” 14. “Peace of Mind” 15. “Certified” 16. “All-American” 17. “Prosperity” 18. “Spirituality” 19. “Financial Security” 20. A “Balanced Approach”