Sri Vishnu SahasranAmam - the forms of the Lord
The Vishnu SahasranAmam describes the 1000 names of Lord Vishnu. Some of them describe the Lord, some his attributes and some his powers. As many spiritual masters have said, there is no difference between the name of the Lord and the Lord Himself. Sri Ramakrishna said, “ There is infinite glory in God’s Name. The Name is the seed; the Name is the tree; and the Name is the fruit. God dwells in His own Name. ” The Srimad Bhagavatam (1:1:14) states, " By resorting to His name, be it even in a mood of distress and helplessness, one entangled in the cycle of births and deaths would at once get release. " There are over a hundred names that describe the Lord in the Vishnu SahasranAmam. His vastness and His subtlety Vishnu is वामनः (152), the One who has a small body and प्रांशुः(153), One whose body is vast. He is ब्रह्म(664), the biggest, the vastest and the all-pervading and अणुः(835), the subtlest and the all-pervading. He is बृहत् (836), the greatest in dimension. He is al...