You've been invited

Over the last few months I've received invitations from people I've never heard of belonging to social networks I've never heard of either.

I have been asked to join Yaari, Doostang, Spock, Spoke, Blue Chip Expert, Friendster, Facebook and Orkut. I've also received invitations from hi5, Ringo and Plaxo.

Of course I need a username/password for each of these services who believe they are providing a unique value proposition to me. And another oddly-name company - offers to help you aggregate all your username/passwords for your financial institutions.

The NY Times' David Pogue had a recent column on the Dr.Seuss inspired dot-com names has a link to in case you are inspired to start your own Web 2.0 startup.

May the force be with you - go forth and create your own domain !


shankar said…
I think Dotomator is fantastic. News to me.

And instead of comment moderation, enable the captcha (image). Will make your life a little bit easier.

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